Monday, November 19, 2012

Chapter 10- Product Concepts.

Victoria's Secret is the number one retailer of lingerie and beauty products. It normally captivates its audience with fashion collections, decadent fragrances, luxurious cosmetics, gorgeous supermodels, and exciting run way shows. However Victoria's Secret can be classified into more than one categories when it comes to Product Concepts. For example, Victoria's Secret falls under Convenience Product because it is relatively inexpensive for any women since Victoria's Secret target market is women. This is so because someone making at least minimum wage and is taking home an average of $275.00 per week can afford it; with the exception of last year $2 million bras designed by Damian, composed by $300,000 diamonds and 18K white gold. Also, Victoria's Secret is classified as a Consumer Products because they are brought to satisfy women's personal wants.

In addition, Victoria's Secret is branded by its design, combination and symbol which differentiates them from other companies. Victoria's Secret also has a major persuasive labelling because it focuses on a promotional theme and the customers information is important.

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