Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chapter 18- Sales Promotion and Personal Selling.

Victoria's Secret uses promotional products to increase brand recognition and customer acknowledgement. The products can be used to attract new guests, reward local customers or build satisfaction withing the public. One of the strategies used by Victoria's Secret to keep their business interesting is to keep their customers captivated by indulging in their products and not only getting carried away by the discounts. Victoria's Secret has increase their beauty samples in the store so customers can try their products out before purchasing. Also, Victoria's Secret have a tendercy of putting product samples in customers bags after purchasing on their way out of the store. In addition, promotions such as free shipping with online purchases, discounts from $15 to $100 off and 75% to 250% off keeps Victoria's Secret clients coming back. However, during the different seasons Victoria's Secret also offers a variety of fun rewards and goodies. For example, for this current season a gold clutch is free with a $75 purchase.Keep in mind theses are just a few promotional sales that Victoria's Secret entails.

Secondly, Victoria's Secret stores has done an amazing job over the past years with their store personnel. Whether its via the telephone or in the store, Victoria's Secret has trained all employees to reach all customers satisfaction in helping them with finding a product or answering questions correctly just to name a few. Furthermore, employees make customers feel welcome and especially in a buying decision, all salesperson encourage customers that caring and showing interest in them is more important than just getting that product sold.

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